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Community Legal Centres provide vital frontline help with legal problems

that impact on peoples’ safety, housing, health and financial security.

Studies & surveys show that LGBTIQ+ people experience

  • family violence

  • homelessness

  • poverty

  • discrimination

  • and harassment

at higher rates than their cis/straight peers

We also know that LGBTIQ+ people face barriers accessing mainstream support services and most prefer services that specifically cater for LGBTIQ+ people or are visibly safe and inclusive

LGBTIQ+ specialist CLCs provide

culturally safe and accessible

services but are

critically under-funded

The LGBTI Legal Service receives < $300,000 in core funding for legal services.

Which is just enough to pay our rent, bills and employ1 full time lawyer/directo, and 2 part time paralegals

To provide a statewide specialist service

The ABS’ most recent large survey suggests that around 4% of Australians identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual* or ~156,000 Queenslanders (trans & gender diverse people weren’t counted). Legal needs surveys suggest approximately 60% will experience a legal problem each year. At least 40% of LGB people report an annual income below the poverty line. (though many above this level still cannot afford private legal fees)

A massive access to justice gap exists Our current fiunding only allows us to help 0.3% of LGB()TIQA+) Queenslanders who experience a legal problem each year.

in other parts of Australia,

the situation is even worse

in 5 States & Territories LGBTIQA+ people have

no access to a dedicated culturally safe legal service.

Most CLCs across Australia have no secure funding beyond June 2025 and

will be forced to close services

early next year if nothing changes.

A recent independent review into legal assistance funding

recognised that LGBTIQ+ people have specific legal needs

and recommended that

LGBTIQ+ people are includedin the list of priority groups

and allocated additional funding

The Federal Government’s recently announced funding package

provides only a fraction of what is needed

to bridge the access to justice gap

It includes just $100m in new funding, to be split across 200+ organisations, which is:

of what the

Productivity Commission

called for a decade ago

of what

frontline workers

said they needed now

short of what the
Government’s own

commissioned economist


Rather than known trusted partners providing a valued service to community, government has treated service providers like sporting clubs tendering for funds to renovate a block of change rooms.

Dr Warren Mundy

Economist, Former Productivity Commissioner and author of the Independent Review of the National Legal Assistance Partnership Agreement

The Federal Government’s funding package contained no announcements for struggling LGBTIQ+ specialist CLCs.

And the recommendation to include LGBTIQ+ people as a priority group?


We are so powerful

When we stand together

Join your community in calling on the Federal Government to

end the funding crisis for all CLCs and commit to supporting LGBTIQ+ people

How You Can Help

Write to your MP

(even a quick email can have a big impact!)

CC in so we can follow along too!

Take a selfie with the Save CLCs sign or share our posts

and tag your MP!

Please tag us @lgbtilegalservice as well

Join the campaign

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