About Us
Our Mission, Vision and Values
The LGBTI Legal Service Inc (the Service or we) is committed to working to an agreed organisational vision and set of values, and to using these to inform our planning and service delivery. Our documented statement of the vision and values of the Service guides the way the organisation approaches its work and provides a clear picture of the Service’s aims and philosophy.
Specifically, we will:
a statement of organisational vision and values that will guide the plans and activities of the organisation
and refine the vision and values statement at regular intervals
the vision and values statement across the organisation and as part of the organisation’s public profile
strategic planning processes at appropriate intervals that are informed by the organisation’s vision and values, and by the needs of our clients and community
The Service will provide legal advice and information to clients who have legal problems which arise from their identification as LGBTI and/or because they feel more comfortable in dealing with a solicitor with specific skills, interest and understanding of LGBTI legal issues and/or the barriers experienced by LGBTI peoples in accessing the legal system.

The Service aims to break down barriers to justice in the LGBTI community, as well as to:
- Build a just and inclusive society that values difference and diversity and the rights of all people and their communities to the social and economic resources they need to exercise their human rights
- Influence the development of law to recognise the needs of people who are socially or economically disadvantaged
- Assist people who would otherwise be denied access to justice due to social or economic disadvantage to exercise their legal rights.
The Service believes in providing accessible services.
This means:
- Being physically accessible
- Being available outside conventional office hours
- Ensuring that our clients feel comfortable to use our services
- Ensuring that clients understand all information provided
- Providing free access to general advice services
- Providing access to specialist program/services to social justice principles and our own resources and funding guidelines.

The Service believes in providing accessible services
This means:
• Being physically accessible
• Being available outside conventional office hours
• Ensuring that our clients feel comfortable to use our services
• Ensuring that clients understand all information provided
• Providing free access to general advice services
• Providing access to specialist program/services to social justice principles and our own resources and funding guidelines
The Service believes in social justice
This means that all people, whatever their background, belief or circumstances, should have the opportunity and right to:
- Access and participation
The Service believes in empowerment
This means:
• Demystifying the law and legal processes
• Encouraging and supporting people to make informed decisions for themselves
• Promoting and fostering self-help techniques
The Service believes in the good management of resources and providing quality and current information
This includes:
• Our staff, volunteers and management committee members
• Exercising discretion in balancing our funding guidelines and social justice principles where there are conflicting demands for our resources
• Ensuring the highest levels of accountability
The Service believes in being a community-based organisation
This means being:
• Non-profit
• Independent
• Involved in the development of the community
• Having an empathy and rapport with the community
The Service believes in fostering a team spirit
This means:
• Supporting each other
• Recognising and respecting each others’ skills and responsibilities
• Respecting differing opinions
The Service believes in being independent of party politics
This means:
• Being prepared to critically analyse issues on the basis of merit and social justice principles regardless of the political origin of the issue
The Service believes in the importance of being in a strong collaborative network of CLCs throughout Australia
This means:
• Active participation in and promotion of this network and the common principles of the CLC movement
The Service believes that every human being has a unique dignity
- Irrespective of sexual preference, nationality, ethnicity, social and economic status, gender, age, beliefs, or contribution to society and that each individual has the right to self-fulfillment provided that the rights of others are not violated
The Service believes in a holistic approach to legal problems
This means adopting an approach to practice that concentrates on the whole person and problem as a way of coming to more healthy and maintainable solutions for clients’ legal matters
The Service believes in being proactive and responsive
This means having a balance between the needs of our clients, staff, volunteers and the general community in our work.
Development, documentation and review
The mission, vision and values statements are reviewed once every three years as part of longer term strategic planning and are contained in the Strategic Plan.
Use of the Mission, Vision and Values Statements
All submissions and public documents referring to the Service’s mission, vision or values must use the relevant wording from this policy.
The organisational statement of vision and values will be included in:
- The published Strategic Plan
- The Annual Report
- Information given to funding bodies, clients or the community
- Management Committee, staff and volunteer induction programs
- The website.
The vision and values of the organisation will be used as a reference point in relevant decision making and planning activities.