by LGBTI Legal Service | Jan 24, 2022 | Child Support and Maintenance
Child support is a payment made by one or both parents to the other to help with the cost of looking after the children. In some situations, it may be paid by one or both parents to another person who is looking after the children. Parents can make agreements about... by LGBTI Legal Service | Jan 24, 2022 | Child Support and Maintenance
Child support is a payment made by one or both parents to the other to help with the cost of looking after the children. If parents agree, they can make a legally enforceable agreement about the amount, frequency and method of child support payments after separation.... by LGBTI Legal Service | Jan 24, 2022 | Child Support and Maintenance
Child support payments can be collected privately or by the Department of Human Services (Child Support) (DHS). If you choose private collection then you are responsible for collecting child support and enforcing any unpaid child support debt. It can be difficult to... by LGBTI Legal Service | Jan 24, 2022 | Child Support and Maintenance
In Australia, parents have a legal responsibility to financially support their children, whether they are biological, adoptive or same sex parents. Parents can make an agreement about child support or they can apply to the Department of Human Services (Child Support)...