by LGBTI Legal Service | Jan 24, 2022 | Diversion and Referral Options
An Adult Restorative Justice Conference brings together the victim and the offender to talk about how they can address the harm caused by criminal behaviour. Before participating in Adult Restorative Justice Conferencing you should get legal advice. What is... by LGBTI Legal Service | Jan 24, 2022 | Diversion and Referral Options
Court diversion is aimed at diverting minor drug offenders from the criminal justice system. If you are eligible, you can be referred to a drug education and information session rather than receiving a traditional penalty like a fine or probation Order. Am I... by LGBTI Legal Service | Jan 24, 2022 | Diversion and Referral Options
What is Court Link? Court Link is a bail-based program giving short-term, individualised help to people charged with a criminal offence. The help given is based on the assessed levels of risk and need. Case management and/or referral to community support is given for...